25 March 2011

Free Domain For Everybody

In build a web, domain is first thing that must well-prepared before build the web with the domain & URL. according to many SEO (search engine optimation) domain & URL is primary thing that can decine the "live" of the web or blog (live= many visitor visit the web / blog), because URL that contain popular word (Popular keyword) is more recomended.
but nowadays many kind of domain , but you must pay to rent the domain, ussually the payment is monthly or per year. BUT in this article i give you free full domain, you can create account there that permit you to get 2 full domain. the domain is .CO.CC. you can freely costumize the domain. you can use it by:

  1. Link it with webbhosting
  2. use it with MXRECORD (zone record)
  3. use it as redirected URL etc
you also can have many URL again in a account, but you must pay it CHEAPLY,
CO.CC:Free Domaini think this freedomain is helpful , because you not to pay fo a domain. check it no at : FREE DOMAIN

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